Continuing from where we left off in Part 3, lets start exploring the Software Engineering for the PaaS Service Model in this post.

B. Software Engineering for the PaaS Service Model

The software development environment has to lend itself to managing a wide variety of artifacts that emerge from a multitude of software life cycle management activities such as requirements management, change management, configuration management, build management, integration management, release management, and test management in the areas of define, design, code, test, and run [25]. In order to succeed in the security endeavor, there is a greater need to equip the development team with necessary software tools to enable complete tracing from requirements to code releases.

The following diagram illustrates the overall development environment with tasks organized in terms of Development, QA, Automated, and Security:

Software Engineering for PaaS Service Model

1) Development aka. Scrum Team Tasks

Product Owner creates user stories and epics in the Agile Requirements Management Server. Developers, Security experts, and the Scrum master break the user stories and epics into multiple tasks and assign appropriate estimates in terms of story points. One convention that the team could follow is to equate one story point to one ideal man-day – A day of development that can be done when there are no external distractions such as meetings, discussions etc. Based on the team’s velocity, appropriate number of stories is selected to be part of the Sprint. The team along with the security expert determines the number of security-focused stories to be included in the Sprint based on the business requirements. Each story will have a “How to Demo” field populated to assist the QA team in properly testing the various functionalities of the software component.

The development team is responsible for periodically checking in/syncing/rebasing their code into the enterprise version control system. The developer as well as the code reviewer must look for the successful completion of static code analysis. The development team is also responsible for setting up and configuring the various life cycle management servers such as the version control system, continuous integration server, dependency management, agile requirements management server etc. From time to time, the development team will also be responsible for peer code reviews, refactoring of code to improve performance and other non-functional architectural requirements. An automated code crawler that reviews the code for vulnerabilities such as OWASP Code Crawler is highly recommended over manual code reviews. Using the “defense in depth” principles, more than one type of code reviews can be done. The first pass could be the automatic code inspection through code crawlers as stated above and the second pass could be a manual code review by a peer or a security expert.

2) QA Team Tasks

The QA team is responsible for performing the acceptance testing and reporting of the results to the development team. The acceptance testing will include both functionality and security-focused testing according to SAFECode stories. The acceptance testing is typically carried out in the Test Server as shown in the above diagram. The QA team is also responsible for configuring and writing test plans for the automated test server such as Selenium.

The QA team is also responsible for performing tests against the QA and production environments on the public cloud as shown in the above diagram.

3) Security Team Tasks

One of the major tasks of the security team is to train the scrum team on security practices that will successfully implement the stipulated security controls. The security team is also responsible for installing and configuring the necessary static code analysis tools, malware scanners, and code vulnerability scanners that can be automatically run upon on a build. The Continuous Integration Server will not deploy if the successful build failed one of the security tests such as static code analysis etc.

The security team is also responsible for securing the code deployment to the public cloud in terms of network equipment such as Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems etc. There is a need to set up firewall rules in terms of connectivity guidelines from the PaaS service provider such as protocol (HTTPS), ports, time of day restrictions etc.

The security team has to work with the PaaS broker or provider to set up the necessary SLA and incorporate provisions for security controls as described in the risk management framework section. It is this team’s responsibility to ensure that the “continuous monitoring” strategy is established and followed upon at a time interval stipulated in the SLA.

4) Automated Tasks

Establishing a Continuous Integration (CI) Server is well worth the time and money. It makes a lot of sense for the development team to carve some time out to establish a version control system such as Atlassian Stash along with a CI Server (if there are none) with deployment plans such as Test, QA, and Production with appropriate build plans. As can be seen in Figure 16, the CI Server, according to the build/deployment plans setup, checks out the necessary source code from the version control system and executes those plans. Based on the deployment plan, it deploys the software component on Test, QA, or Production server as prescribed.

The integration server, such as Atlassian Bamboo, deploys the software component on the Test server. It then notifies the QA team to start the acceptance testing for the software component.

The CI Server deploys the software component to the automated test server such as Selenium. The automated tests will also include security-focus tests such as code vulnerability testing, static code analysis, and running of malware scanners. These tools upon successfully completing their tests would notify the QA, security, and development teams with results.

The CI Server deploys the software component in the PaaS environment on the public cloud. The deployment could be targeted for either the QA or the production environment. The server notifies the QA team to initiate testing on the QA or production stage.

I’ll contiunue my discussion in the next post.

[25] M. Hüttermann, Agile ALM : lightweight tools and Agile strategies. Shelter Island, N.Y.: Manning, 2012.

Continuing from where we left off in Part 2, lets start exploring the usage of the PaaS model in this post.


As illustrated in Who Manages What? in Part 2, the cloud consumer is responsible for the application and data that are deployed on the platform provided by the cloud agent – namely, the broker or the provider. Therefore, the cloud consumer is responsible for implementing the security controls to secure the application and data. A large number of attacks originate in the application layer especially for web applications. The CSA organizes application security into the following areas of focus [4]:

A. Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC)
B. Authentication, Authorization, Compliance
C. Entitlement Processing and Encryption
D. Application Penetration Testing for the Cloud
E. Monitoring applications in the Cloud
F. Application Authentication, Compliance and the repercussions of multi-tenancy and shared infrastructure
G. Avoiding malicious software

The following section will delve into two major topics:

  • Secure application development
  • Penetration Tests for the cloud environment

A. Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC)

A good application security starts early in the software development life cycle. To have a sense of application security throughout the development cycle, it makes a lot of sense to adopt one of the maturity models in the SDLC such as Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM), Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), and System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM).

For the purposes of this paper, we will explore the idea of incorporating security into agile development environments especially in Scrum-based web application software development [22].

1) Agile Scrum – a quick introduction

One of the strengths of this process framework is its ability to provide an “early feedback system” thereby an organization building the software can correct its course without spending too much time and money. Since the team developing the software constructs only a portion of the software at a time (a few features at a time), tests them, and deploys them. By deploying in chunks, the organization is able to get a set of early feedback from the marketplace and is able to correct its course.

Scrum Process Flow

The following section introduces the various elements of the Scrum process from a 1000-foot view:

  1. The Scrum Team
    • Scrum Master
      • Person responsible for the Scrum process, its correct implementation, and the maximization of its benefits.
      • Not a leader of the team because the team is expected to be self-organizing.
      • Responsible for removing any impediments between the development team, product owner, and customers.
    • Product Owner (PO)
      • A person responsible for managing the product backlog in terms of priority
    • Development Team
      • Scrum team consists of 2-7 developers.
      • The team makes decisions during the development in conjunction with the product owner.
      • When there is a need for a bigger team (>7), split them to form multiple teams based on themes or epics.
  2. Artifacts
    • User Story
      • A simple descriptive line of the requirement or feature that the PO is after. E.g. “Charge customer’s credit/debit card for the services rendered”.
    • Epic
      • A set of user stories. For example, an epic could be about “Online Payment processing”.
    • Product Backlog
      • Backlog is a prioritized list of project requirements or user stories or Epics with rough estimates. Estimates are based on story points.
        • An example of a story point could equate to an ideal man-day where the day is devoid of any external influences so that the developer could concentrate on the task 100%.
      • The list is sorted based on estimates in descending order.
    • Sprint Backlog
      • A set of project requirements taken from the product backlog to be worked on during a specific Sprint.
  3. Scrum Events
    • Sprint
      • Sprint is a period of time, a time box, that the team is expected to work on the Sprint backlog.
      • Typically, 2-4 week sprints are common.
    • Daily Scrum Meetings
      • Fifteen minute standup meeting to discuss the following items:
        • Accomplishments from the last meeting.
        • What is slated to be done before the next meeting
        • Any impediments to be removed for project progress.
    • Sprint Planning Meetings
      • PO presents the high priority items to the team
      • The team decides as to what can or cannot be done during a particular sprint with an action plan document.
      • Typically, the team attempts to split the user story into multiple tasks at this meeting.
      • Security-focused stories and tasks are discussed and included.
      • Sprint Review meeting or Demo
        • During this meeting, the team demonstrates all the completed features that are part of a sprint.
      • Sprint Retrospective meeting
        • The team discusses “Lessons learned” during the Sprint.

By following the process flow, the development team in conjunction with the Scrum Master and the Product Owner is able to engage in constant communication (informal) to properly handle requirements elicitation/analysis and subsequently the product feature code development and deployment.

2) Missing Security Focus in Agile Scrum

Though not a fault of the process framework, the emphasis on quick turn-around of feature implementation doesn’t help either. Since the “Sprints” are typically time-boxed between 2 and 4 weeks, developers often ignore application security controls or put them on the back burner. Since the PO is more interested in shipping the product with a heavy focus on business functionality, there is no step to ensure security controls are put in place by enforcing that the security requirements are captured in the stories and security-focused tasks are performed during the construction and testing phases of each story.

3) Securing the SDLC in Agile Scrum

As explained in the previous section, the development team constructs a set of user stories at a time (sprint backlog within 2-4 week sprints). To have a constant security awareness, user story after user story and Sprint after Sprint, it makes a lot of sense to have a permanent security-focused member on the team as shown in the following diagram – adapted from [24]:

Scrum Team Organization
* T – member with testing skills; S – member with Security skills

Along with regular functionality testing, the QA team can also test for security issues and send the release back to the development team for fixes as shown in the diagram below – adapted from [24]:

  • A portion of the Sprint is dedicated to implementing SAFECode stories
    • This can be accomplished by adjusting the focus factor if the PO and the stakeholders don’t fully understand the security implications.
  • A portion of bug-fixes address security vulnerabilities found during QA testing

Sprint Release Engineering with Acceptance Testing

The responsibility of the team member will entail the following:

  • Conduct security analysis of all product features in the Sprint backlog
    • Conduct a threat model for each user story
  • Security aspects to be considered, including but not limited to policy/compliance, legal, contractual, regulatory, and other security-related requirements
  • Notify the PO of the security requirements in the Sprint planning meeting
    • Engage the Scrum master to work with legal and other departments to ensure security obligations are properly met.
    • Adjust the story points of the stories/epics accordingly
  • User stories that have security implications would need to have additional tasks defined to cater to the implementation of security controls.
  • Ensure that the Sprint doesn’t collect “Security Debt” [22] as a team
    • If the application has to ship with some security debt, ensure that the relevant stakeholders understand the risks and sign off on them
    • Undone security tasks must go on the product backlog, so they can be included in one of the future Sprints.

4) SAFECode guidelines for the Scrum team

SAFECode has defined a set of 36 security-focused stories with a breakdown of technical tasks that go along with each story. These stories are meant for the development and QA teams. One of the stories from the SAFECode guidelines is shown below:

SAFECode Security-focused Story

5) SAFECode guidelines for the Scrum team as software maintenance tasks

The idea here is to periodically run static code analysis tools, vulnerability scanners, and automated malware scanners during build/release cycles and fix the reported high-priority issues reported by those tools. Some of the guidelines provided by SAFECode are shown below:

SAFECode Guidelines for Software Maintenance

It is also important to allocate time to do “code reviews” of riskier codes. SAFECode provides the definition of riskier code as follows:

SAFECode Guidelines for Security Experts

As shown in the previous sections, the Agile Scrum process could be made secure. The PO has to have visibility into these security tasks, as performing some of these security-focused tasks would impact the team’s velocity. In order for the SDLC to be secure and to ensure that the product that is put out Sprint after Sprint is secure, the team needs support from all the stakeholders especially from the line of business managers, IT functional managers, Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and in some cases the support of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

I’ll contiunue my discussion in the next post.

[11] OSA, “SP-011: Cloud Computing Pattern,” ed, 2013.

[12] NIST. (2011). Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing. Available:

[13] NIST. (2011). NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture (DRAFT). Available:

[14] CSA. (2012). Cloud Controls Matrix v1.4 : Cloud Security Alliance. Available:

[15] B. Damele. (2009). Advanced SQL injection to operating system full control. Available: https://

[16] T. Shimeall. (2013). Tactics and Penetration Testing. Available:

[17] T. Shimeall. (2013). Web Hacking. Available:

[18] T. Shimeall. (2013). Strategy. Available:

[19] NIST. (2008). Volume I: Guide for Mapping Types of Information and Information Systems to Security Categories. Available:

[20] NIST. (2006). Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems Available:

[21] NIST. (2013). NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture Cloud Service Metrics Description. Available:

[22] SAFECode. (2012). Practical Security Stories and Security Tasks for Agile Development Environments. Available:

[23] J. Rockwood, “Choose Your Weapon Wisely: A handbook for determining the right software development method best suited for your team, client, and project (Independent Study Paper). Pittsburgh, PA: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,” 2011.

[24] H. Kniberg. (2007). Scrum and XP from the Tenches - How we do Scrum. Available:

[25] M. Hüttermann, Agile ALM : lightweight tools and Agile strategies. Shelter Island, N.Y.: Manning, 2012.

[26] SecurityNinja. (2009). Secure Development. Available:

[27] OWASP. (2013). Projects/OWASP Java Encoder Project - OWASP. Available: https://

[28] OWASP, “Category:OWASP Enterprise Security API - OWASP,” ed, 2013.

[29] D. Cornell. (2013). Web application testing: The difference between black, gray and white box testing. Available: